تصنيع غرف التبريد

غرف التبريد بمقاسات مختلفة حسب طلب الزبون و كذلك لدينا ثلاجات بمقاسات محتلفة جاهزة و سهلى التركيب

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Refrigeration Capacity
System net cooling capacity under A.T.P. Conditions at 30° C ambient
Capacity on engine power 0°C 17650 W
Capacity on engine power -20°C 9250 W
Capacity on electrical stand by 0°C 10600 W
Capacity on electrical stand by -20°C 6550 W
Heating Capacity
Capacity on engine power -10˚C 12000 W
Capacity on engine power -20˚C 12000 W
on high speed engine operation
Airflow volume @ 0 pa static pressure 5000 m3/hr
Airflow volume in fully loaded trailer 4680 m3/hr
Discharge velocity – airthrow 15 m/sec
including battery
Model 30 794 kg
Model 50 848 kg
n° of cylinders – cm3
Model TK 486V
Rating 23,5 kW
Maintenance Interval 3000 hrs
Model X430 C5
Displacement 492 cm3
Compressor – n° of cylinders – cm3 TK 486V / 4 / 2100 cm3
Electrical Stand by Motor
Voltage / Phase / Frequency 400/3/50
Rating 9,3 kW
Refrigerant Charge
Charge 6,5 kg
Generic (Boxlength, Refrigerant, …)
Boxlength 15 m
Refrigerant R-404A
Controller Smart Reefer 3

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